Saturday, December 4, 2010

Walker Nature Center

Welcome to my very first blog ya'll !!!!

For my first blog I'll be blogging about my nature walk at the walker nature center, in Reston, Virginia.
Before I get in to the whole nature walk story lets take a look at what we will be seeing at the nature center and also talk about the center.......

Walker Nature Center

The Nature Center is part of the reston association where its 72 acres of forest and nature covers it all. Its separated by one road which is Glade drive. There are many trails both paved and unpaved.....

What to expect at the nature center  you say ?!?!
and plenty of it

Now, your probably thinking whats so important about this little itty bitty flower.......
Well this particular flower happens to be a flowering plant or in scientfic terms an angiosperm...
And this particular flower is called pinxter azalea

Now on to how these little critters reproduce .......
There are two types of these flowering types the male and female just like a human except they are called an angiosperm male gametophyte and an angiosperm female gametophyte....
the male gametophyte contains pollen and the female gametophyte has an enlogated embryo sac.

Now you ask your self how do they reproduce well..... Pollen travels in many ways by bees mostly, animals wind, and water streams.
Here is a stream at the center there is also plant life in it as well Algae

Heres a nice view of whats inside the stream especially where the little falls are at.

Throughout the walk me and my group manage to find bambi
And as i said before animals play a role in pollenation of plants...

Another interesting thing as we went through the nature center is that we saw many kinds of  roots plants had as well as some fallen trees
Heres a big ol fallen tree that show how it gets its water throught its vascular system to nourish its body even though the tree has fallen doesn't mean its useless oh no on the contraier...... it becomes home to many bugs and animal life

Another interesting fact about a tree is that in a mark has been made such as this, what it appears to be a burn mark it will forever be in the same position as years go on .

Did you know that by looking at tree's center you can see how much it grew..

This is kinda unusal for moss to be growing on top of the trunk because moss usually grows on the side of the tree that faces north, thats how explorers tend to find their way around the woods

At the end of the walk we went inside the center to see a turtle shell, snake, even squirrels eating out of the bird feeder....

This has been a relaxing and enjoyable walk....

Stay tune as there could be more hmmmmmmmm........